Celebrating Your Feminine Genius on International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day! We’ve come so far and we should not only celebrate our achievements, but those of the women who have gone before us. However, as we all know, there’s still more work to be done.

Although the fight for equality and fairness was (and still is) necessary, it perhaps pushed us too far in the other direction...to another extreme.

You see, as professional women, we’ve been taught that being successful means doing things like men. We’ve been told to disconnect from our body and her “inconvenient” cycles and rhythms. We’ve been taught that feelings and emotions are uncomfortable and embarrassing, so we suppress and buffer them away with distractions like sugar, alcohol, shopping, etc.

The result of all the overthinking, overworking, over-analyzing to succeed has led to an epidemic of burnout (which studies show affect women more than men) as well as anger, bitterness and frustration even though on paper we’ve “made it.”

Instead, here are 3 truths I believe every woman should embrace on International Women’s Day:

1. Femininity isn’t weak. There’s a saying that men are the head of God and women are the heart of God, so if masculinity is seen as strength, there must be a feminine counterpart as well. Your heart, intuition, feelings, vulnerability, vision and ability to create something out of nothing are your superpowers. These are also your direct access to the Divine so you should be embracing these MORE, not less.

2. Your value comes from who you ARE, not what you DO. So many women have been raised to believe their worth comes from their accomplishments and achievements. But your worthiness is innate. It's something you were born with. Your being-ness is the gift to everyone around you–not what you’re able to contribute.

3. You don’t need to prove you can do everything a man can do. You’re not in competition with men–or anyone else for that matter. It’s only you vs. you, because competition doesn’t really exist. The only thing you need to do is decide what you truly desire in life, then achieve your goals in the most pleasurable way possible (which is the feminine way to achieve a goal).

On this day, let’s remember that true equality means women everywhere will be encouraged and resourced to embrace their feminine genius so they can be fully expressed as women.

By embodying the feminine more and bringing it into balance with the masculine, we will see a shift--not only within ourselves, but in the world as well.


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