You are not broken

Here's my philosophy about coaching:
You don't need coaching because you are broken. In fact there's NOTHING wrong with you.
The reason you need coaching is because survival mode is the default operating system for the brain so to truly thrive you have to hack it.
Your brain is not wired for love.
Your brain is not wired for connection.
Your brain is not wired for happiness even.
Your brain is wired for safety. It's a computer that is wired to keep you alive. And until you get this--I mean REALLY get this--you will remain a cycle of your own creation.
You've developed a variety of coping mechanisms to respond to environmental stimuli that you've picked up on since you were in the womb. You've been making keen observations and deciding what's safe or not-safe based on many factors (i.e. values, social norms, family dynamics, etc).
Often the very things we consciously want are NOT safe to our nervous system. And that's why we sometimes resonate more with SACRIFICE and STRUGGLE instead of ease and flow.
This is why I don't coach from the perspective that you're broken. Because you're not. Your brain is doing it's job. Coaching works because it shows you a totally different perspective. And when you see things differently, you can make different choices. It's literally about forging new neural pathways in your brain.
If you are a woman in medicine who is ready to make new empowering choices instead of running on autopilot by tuning into your innate feminine genius, I invite you to book a Burnout Breakthrough Call. My unique process will help you get to the root of burnout (hint: it’s NOT about systems in place that are beyond your control). We’ll see if my 1:1 coaching program is the right fit to help you achieve the balance you are seeking. The link to apply is in my bio.


doing is not superior to being


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