Healers also need healers

Women physicians, I have a message for you.
You’re a leader and on the front lines.
You give so much of yourself everyday.
You hit the ground running to face the challenges of the day.
Although you desire to connect with your patients on a deeper level, you’re aware that you are rewarded for efficiency, not empathy.
There’s a growing sense of dissatisfaction with the ever-increasing administrative demands that siphon your time away from patient care.
You feel more disconnected--from your work, your loved ones and even from yourself.
Although you know that you should prioritize self-care and wellness, you're at the bottom of your to do list--again.
But you can’t pour from an empty cup.
I’ve been there too. As a physician, I understand both the joys and challenges that women can experience in medicine. Personal development has been an important part of my journey as a woman and as a physician. And it is my mission to help other women too. I provide confidential coaching services for women physicians and guide them on a healing journey from overwhelm and burnout to breakthrough!
If you are a woman physician facing challenges in your life & career, it is critical for your well-being to learn the skills and tools that will help you create balance in ALL areas of your life, prevent burnout, and ensure longevity in your career.
You’ve invested time, money and energy so you could help others. Now it’s YOUR turn to receive.


5 Self-Reflection Questions