5 Self-Reflection Questions

If you've ever felt stuck in your life or unsure what to do next, journaling is a great tool for providing insight and clarity. It's an easy way for you to process your thoughts and feelings, and it's something I do just about everyday myself! I often provide my clients with thought-provoking questions so they can continue to explore after our session.
Here are a few prompts to help you get started:⁠⠀
✨Who do I need to become to achieve my desires?
✨How can I increase my capacity to receive?
✨What would nourish my mind, body and spirit today?
✨What fears, old stories and beliefs are undermining my success that I need to let go of?⁠⠀
✨Is there anyone that I need to forgive?⁠⠀
I believe when you ask better questions, you get better answers. I'd love to hear if anything comes up for you with these questions! ⁠⠀
BTW, if you haven’t already, I invite you to download my free drop in audio! In less than 10 minutes, this guided meditation will help you become more aware of your breath, drop from your mind into your body, and connect with your heart. Click HERE to learn more!⁠


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